You pay via direct debit. This is generally in 10 instalments. You have not yet paid all the instalments for your old address. We have adjusted the amount after you moved.
Are you moving half-way the year? This does not mean the tax due is reduced by half. Some taxes are charged for the entire year, for example the water system levy. You will not receive such taxes for your new address.
Some clients have received the tax bill later in the year. For this reason, the direct debit process was started up later in that year. The cycle will continue into the following year.
You have now received your tax bill for this year. This means that the RBG will collect amounts for both years for a few months.
On the 25th of the month after the tax bill. You can adjust the payment date on My RBG.
Only if you authorise us for direct debit. Go to the payment in instalment page to see how you can authorise us. The RBG will see how many instalments are due.
You can authorise the Regional Tax Group for direct debit Go to the payment in instalment page to see how you can authorise us. You can set the due dates and the number of instalments.
Is this not possible? Then please call us on working days between 9.00 a.m. and 5 p.m. on 088 291 10 00.
You have two options. You can pay the instalment with a manual payment order, or you do nothing. If you do nothing, we divide the instalment amount over the remaining instalments. This increases each following instalment.
Yes. Via My RBG, you will need the DigiD of the person the tax bill is addressed to. Is this not possible? You can send the RBG a direct debit authorisation in writing. State at least the following details:
contact number
customer number
Please send it to:
Regional Tax Group FAO cluster Incasso PO Box 923 3100 AX Schiedam
No, this is not necessary. You can remit the amount with a manual payment order. Do you want to pay the tax bill in a single payment every year? Then please revoke your direct debit authorisation on My RBG. Or change the number of instalments on My RBG to 1 instalment.
You can arrange it now on the digital platform, My RBG.
You can arrange it now on the digital platform, My RBG.
No, unfortunately that is not possible.
You can request your bank to reverse the direct debit transaction. This is possible up to 56 days after the transaction.
No. Unfortunately, this is not possible.
No. You don’t pay any extra charges.
Yes. You can set the due dates and the number of instalments via My RBG.
Yes. You can set the due dates and the number of instalments via My RBG.
Yes. You can set the due dates and the number of instalments via My RBG.